Dr Rukman Jindal is an experienced oral & maxillofacial surgeon and a certified implantologist. she has a vast experience of over 18 years in various fields of dentistry.
A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and adjacent tissues. It is made of acrylic resin or a combination with various metals.
A complete denture replaces all the teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position.
It is very important to replace missing teeth. The ill-effects of not doing so can be a shift in the remaining teeth, an inability to bite and chew properly, as well as a sagging facial appearance, which makes one appear older.
The beauty of dentures today is that they are designed to be comfortable and functional. They are very similar in appearance to natural teeth and can improve a smile or facial appearance.
There are three basic types of dentures, which are:
Partial dentures:– these replace one or multiple teeth. These fill in the spaces created by missing teeth, resting partly on the gums and partly on the remaining teeth. Removable partial dentures may be attached to your natural teeth with metal clasps or devices called precision attachments.
Dr Rukman Jindal is an experienced oral & maxillofacial surgeon and a certified implantologist. she has a vast experience of over 18 years in various fields of dentistry.
Narain Hospital, 42, Manauli House, Jail Road,
Ambala City – 134003
Haryana – INDIA
Email :- info@ambaladental.com
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